Monday, 2 April 2012

Serving in rural areas for a decade

With the bond that i have created with rural areas across Zambia, it is hard to believe that the light that once shined is becoming deem. Is it because I invested the whole of my life in in a so called " rural development environment before I developed myself"? If so then I realize that I needed to equip myself academically before committing myself rural development.

Of course it takes experience to realize and now I have realized how important it is to develop yourself before you develop a rural area for sustainability to take off?

From my own observation during financial difficulties in Machaworks, everyone has become confused to worry about their own future not the organization. When I listen to most former employees of machaworks, everyone is talking about his/ her future security. I'm sure if we first invested in entrepreneurship many people would have stayed because their future would have been guaranteed by what they have invested in.

Rural development is very difficult to sustain as most needs like universities and colleages are located a long the line of rail hence making it difficult for rural delopers to acces. In Lusaka people are privileged to access education, good health and transport while people in rural areas continues to struggle with their limited resources even if things become hard!

Therefore it is/ has been a pleasure serving under these challenges which are are hard to overcome.

The future advise I would give to rural based organization would be first to develop leaders not only through exposure but also through academics for sustainability sake.