Friday, 6 January 2012


Each time I visit an urban office like Lusaka, I feel like vomitting blood because these people so called "experts, educated" are so reluctant in decision making. I remember visiting one organization which is sitting on billions of Kwachas which is meant for national development to uplift the rural lives but unfortunately they are just there to warm their lazy chairs and wait for heft salaries at the end of the month!!

When are people from rural areas going to benefit from the national cake? The answer is that unless and until people with the right vision lead this country and occupy the right offices.

Imagine the digital gap between urban and rural areas is not even imaginable? Will this not bring some uprising in future after rural have realized much they have been deprived since independence?? I wonder!!!

I always travel this government agency whose name I shall not mention only to cheated that money will realized when in the actual sense it not. They keep on extending the date when money will be released. This is actually utter rubbish this kind of cheating will bring agony to them one day!!!!!!

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